This is ridiculous. Remember my treat tasting with
Bark & Beg Treats? Yea, I did my thing. I loved the treats. I even had my human save me one so I could savor the taste again.

Okay, remember Beady Eyes? She is the family dog. She has been around longer than I, longer than the little humans, and even longer that the Oldman. She helped the "stupid human" get through college and get pass time while being a lonely old maid. Yep, she has been around forever. She looks like a cross between Phyllis Diller and Joan Rivers sans the Botox. I mean really, what the hell is wrong with this poodle terrier aka POO/TER hair? It looks like crap but I digress.

Notice the small human hands in the background of this picture. And this is why I am so upset. The little human GAVE the Beady Eyed one MY TREAT!! IT WAS MY TREAT! It did NOT belong to the Beady Eyed One! The Beady Eyed One does not have her initials on the special 10% offer for those who order
Bark & Beg Treats- it is MY initials. Which, by the way is, 10ABH when you place your order online.
If that is not bad enough, the Beady Eyed One, who eats with her mouth full, which is gross, AND makes a mess when she eats, which is ALSO gross, made a big deal about it.
She even had the nerve to taunt me and tell me that she was enjoying MY
Bark & Beg Treat. How dare her?
I am disqusted again.
What is wrong with these humans? Little human knew better. Guess that Webkinz is history when you wake up, little Human. Sorry! But seriously, it was MY treat. And I DON'T share!