This is Beady Eyes. You may know her as my assistant, but to me, she is so much more.
I'm being very nice because Beady Eyes filed a harassment report on me because of "questionable" behavior-on my part.
"Apparently" my comments regarding her age, smell, gas issues, and nagging were seen as age discrimination. Would I really discriminate against Beady Eyes?
So I have had to go to sensitivity classes to learn how to appreciate my aged canine assistant. I have learned so much. I have become a kinder, less opinionated Basset Hound.
Unfortunately, not everyone can appreciate the aging of my fellow kin and kindred. However, and this is a big however...
There is one lady who I have come to know that not only loves my Grandmas and Grandpas, she has created a safe, loving haven for them. The House of Puddles aka HOP. The House of Puddles was established as a retirement home for aged Basset Hounds to be loved, cared, and spoiled until they cross the Rainbow Bridge.
My new appreciation of working with and loving the Canine Elderly has really been a blessing to this stubborn hound. I have more patience with Beady Eyes.
We can learn a lot from our aged. Their eyes have seen much more than us "youngins" and even if they cannot hear, see, or walk, and even if they have accidents (and blame them on this young gal), I have learned that my life would be incomplete without Beady Eyes and Princess Geritol, the other older lab mix I share with my hooman.
Check out House of Puddles. You will fall in love with these gorgeous Grandmaws and Grandpaws.