It all started when I received a handy dogpocolyspe kit for Christmas. I LOVED it! I loved it so much that I filled the WaterBob, hunkered down in the heating blanket, and waited for the BIG ONE.
Then I went to sleep.
And I slept.
And slept.
And slept.
And slept.
And slept.
And slept.
And slept.
Rinse and Repeat Xs 40 Days.
Then a dove appeared with message in the bottle and said, "Yo Abbie, wake up. The possum is trying to eat your food." So I awoke from the nightmare to find this staring at me:
Then I knew the Dogpocolypse had occurred and I was doomed to a life living with a Chupacabre.
And the rest is well...
You will have to check back to learn more.
But I will say, while I was "out" lots has happened.
I need to take a nap now.
When I return...
You will meet my new bestest friends EVER... REDDOG Sitting!